When inspiration intertwines with skill, you're halfway there. Your belief that you can make it to the finish line completes the journey.

BIL WRIGHT / Putting Make-up on the Fat Boy (Lambda Literary Award, Best YA Fiction, American Library Association Stonewall Award) When the Black Girl Sings (Junior Library Guild Award Selection) Sunday You Learn How to Box (NYPL Choice for Young Readers)
All Titles Simon & Schuster Pub. and available at www.amazon.com-(click on book cover photos)
Anthologies: Black Like Us (A Century of LGBT African American Fiction) Tough Acts to Follow (Collection of One Act Plays)
As a playwright: Bloodsummer Rituals, based on the life of poet Audre Lorde, (Jerome Fellowship) This One Girl’s Story (2011 GLAAD nominee) To the Light (James Baldwin and Painter Beauford Delaney (Staged reading commissioned by Harlem Stage. Jerome Fellowship) Lyricst/Book/The Movie Star and the Mammy Joe's Pub at The Public Theater/ Staged Reading: The Sugar Hill Sisters, NY Musical Theater Festival. Millay Fellowship, Albee Fellowship
Also Developmental Editor (Upon Availability): YA Fiction, Commercial Fiction, African American Fiction, LGBTQ Fiction (See contact info.)