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Sunday You Learn How to Box (click for excerpt)

Fourteen-year-old Louis Bowman is in a boxing ring--a housing project in 1968 fighting "just to get to the end of the round." Sharing the ring is his mother Jeanette Stamps, a ferociously stubborn woman battling for her own dreams to be realized.

Putting Make-up on the Fat Boy (click for excerpt)

In Putting Make-up on the Fat Boy, Carlos Duarte, a gay boy from New York City's East Village is determined to change his life and his family's in his own smart, funny, crafty way. In this witty coming of age YA novel, readers can't help but recognize a Carlos in their own lives.

When the Black Girl Sings (click for excerpt)

Lahni Schuler is the black, adopted daughter of two loving, white parents who are on the road to divorce. As they separate and the only home she knows is falling apart, Lahni is determined to find her own identity. Music is her path.